Imagine what might happen if museum practitioners applied their knowledge and creativity to the world at large. We are providing tools and templates to help you organize, and develop museum experiences in your community. Responding to the critical state of our global cultural institutions, we are offering these materials free.
You can download the Tactic Cards, and Neighborhood Activation Guide to help you and your team step through the process of developing informal learning and enrichment experiences in the everyday world.
You can download the Tactic Cards, and Neighborhood Activation Guide to help you and your team step through the process of developing informal learning and enrichment experiences in the everyday world.
The tools and tactics cards shown here were first developed as a charrette tool to instigate a higher yield of ideas for engaging people in public settings. They do this by suggesting a wide array of bare-bones approaches, but lend no specificity to how a tool or tactic would be used, or to the content it delivers. This non-specificity allows the cards to be mixed and matched, sparking ideas that can be applied to the unique circumstances of your site and project goals. There are potentially unlimited ways of activating public environments, and by no means do these cards represents an exhaustive range of approaches. They are only intended to spark your thinking. To get the most out of these cards, try not to always take them literally. Interpret each card broadly. In addition, the approaches suggested by the cards can be multiplied when considered in combination. Try choosing two or more cards and consider what they could mean if woven into one idea, or strung together in series. |
Download your own set of Tactic Cards below.
tactic_cards.pdf |
Click the PDF below to download the Neighborhood Activation Guide.
We offer these tools free.
Please help support The Omnimuseum Project by making a tax deductible donation.
Please help support The Omnimuseum Project by making a tax deductible donation.